Transitional Kinder covers age 4. Below is a list of what you can expect your child to know by the end of their Transitional Kinder year.
- Measure objects using non-standard units (for example, the table is four teddy bears high)
- Can alphabetize frequency words
- Read and interpret graphs
- Write independently from the white board or book to their paper
- Build addition and subtraction families to 5 (for example, 2+3=5, 1+4=5, 5-3=2, etc.)
- Work independently at their desk
- Listen to longer sets of directions
- Read directions off the board, although some children may still have difficulty with this
- Sit in a chair for a longer period of time
- Relate experiences in greater detail and in a logical way
- Distinguish left from right
- Be able to plan ahead
- Be able to memorize and recite facts, although they may not have a deep understanding of them
- Write words with letter-combination patterns such as words with a silent e
- Write complete sentences with correct capitalization and punctuation
- Read aloud books with accuracy and understanding
- Count change and dollar bills
- Tell time to the hour, half-hour, quarter and minute
- Quickly answer addition and subtraction facts for sums up to 20
- Complete two & three-digit addition and subtraction problems without regrouping
- Begin to reason and concentrate
- Improve his ability to process information
- Work cooperatively with a partner or small group
- Make connections between concepts so he will be better able to compare and contrast ideas
- Expand his vocabulary
- Read fluently with expression
- Computer savvy